
In these uncertain times we have been challenged in numerous ways.  WHSD has asked teachers to develop a virtual continuing education plan.  To do so, we're counting on each of you to help by staying connected!  
During virtual learning students will access needed Zoom codes from within our Google Classroom.

Steps to have a good virtual day 

* Find a quiet place to work. Be dressed, sitting up in your chair, and attentive.

* Have all supplies and materials ready.

* Do not eat or cause distraction during live instruction.

* Have your device charged.

* Log into Google Classroom for attendance by 8:50 am.

* Log onto each Zoom with your teacher and stay the whole time with camera on.

* Participate and do your classwork.

* Be sure to submit or turn in your work.

* Stay Focused, Try Your Best, Act Safely, and Respect Others.

In regards to technology, remember:  
  • Emails will provide greater detail so please check regularly.
  • ClassDojo will alert parents and teacher to quick updates.
  • My Google Classroom holds all information pertaining to assignments.
  • Online district resources will allow students to stay sharp and connected to their learning.