Art Guide to Success - WHES

How Can I Do Well? 

* Perform to the best of your ability each and every day. 

* Respect others and behave according to the rules set forth by your teacher. 

* Follow the posted rules and expectations. 

* Follow the directions the first time. 

* Come prepared to participate & try your best. 

* Only touch materials when you have permission. 

*** Be a WESTY STAR! * Stay Focused * Try Your Best * Act Safely * Respect Others

Is an art shirt required? 

PreK - 6th — NO 

Art class can be messy. It is not a requirement to supply your child with an art shirt. If you would like to supply your child with one that is fine. If not, that is fine too. Dress them accordingly the day they have Art class!

What are the Grading Policies?

Students are graded with three aspects in mind:

Participation - Craftsmanship -  Creativity

Possible Units of Study:

Elements of art: Line - Space -  Shape -  Form -  Color -  Value -  Texture

Principles of art: Balance - Rhythm - Pattern - Emphasis - Contrast - Unity - Movement

Art @ home

5 Ways to improve drawing skills: 

*Draw from drawings 

*Draw from photographs 

*Draw from life 

*Keep a sketchbook, draw on a regular basis! 

*Remember: Practice, practice, practice!