Jason Poraczky » Life Science-Unit One: Scientific Thinking

Life Science-Unit One: Scientific Thinking

1.1 Introduction Lab: Engineering Design Process and Scientific Method

Research It: https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/engineering-design-process/engineering-design-process-steps#theengineeringdesignprocess


Watch It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxJWin195kU


Practice learning the steps of the Engineering Design Process with Quizlet!



1.2 A Metric Measurement
1. Decimal Does It-Reading, Metric Prefixes-remember King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk
k=kilo; h=hecto; da=deca; b-base unit; d=deci; c=centi; m=milli
Converting from one metric unit to another is as easy as moving the decimal.  You must remember the order of metric prefixes and where the base units go.
1.2 B Measurement
Extra Help Video on the Metric System : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tHpDzXP-lg
Extra Help Quizlet Practice: https://quizlet.com/_3tauma

Describe the difference

between accuracy and


Measurement Lab   
Video Questions: 
1. Describe the difference between accuracy and precision.


2. What efforts do doctors and engineers have to take in order to be both accurate and precise?


3. Why is NASA now more accurate and precise with their Martian landings?


1.3 Graphing Data Lab
Resource Link-What type of graph to use and how to identify variables for the X and Y axes :https://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/help/user_guide/graph/howto.asp
1.4 Scientific Method: Students will learn the scientific investigation process.  We'll be developing experiments and reading scenarios to understand each step of the process.  
Real World Perspective of the Scientific Method in Action-Check out the first two pages of this site: https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/howscienceworks_01
Scientific Method (order does matter here)
1. Problem or Question (must have a problem or question-this "drives" the experiment)
2. Hypothesis (testable statement)
3. Create Experiment (procedure)
4. Perform Experiment (complete the procedure)
5. Analyze (evaluate and making meaning of the results)
6. Conclusion (summarize results)
7. Communicate/Share Outcome(s)
Ask your child about Saving Fred!  This activity serves as an introduction to problem solving as a series of steps or elements that are present in every scientific investigation.  Students examine the steps involved in problem solving by collaboratively working to solve Fred's problem. The idea is that students connect and learn about various approaches to scientific problem solving.
Lab Stations Resources
Quizlet: Vocabulary Practice-https://quizlet.com/_43dgw7
Simulation: Launchball
Experimental Design Example: Folding Paper Video