Student Services » Special Education Resources for Parents

Special Education Resources for Parents


The Right to Education Consent Agreement of 1972 provided for the establishment of a Local Task Force (LTF) in each of the 29 Intermediate Units to ensure that the intent and spirit of the agreement is carried out throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Although the initial intent of the LTF was to represent the needs and interests of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, today's LTF has expanded its efforts to include all students with disabilities.


Any parent, local school district representative or community agency provider serving individuals with disabilities is welcomed and encouraged to become a member of the LTF.


Special Education Consultline - 800-879-2301


ConsultLine is an information help line for parents and advocates of children with disabilities who have questions or concerns about the education of a school-aged child. ConsultLine specialists answer questions and provide information about special education, gifted education, and Section 504 plans.


Parent Consultants - Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network


Office for Dispute Resolution

Please view the PDE website below regarding the Amended Age of Eligibility Policy- August 2023