Student Services » Social Work Services

Social Work Services

School Social Work
Welcome to Westmont Hilltop's School Social Work Homepage. 
School Social Workers serve a multitude of different purposes in our schools. From providing related services and individual counseling for special education and general education services, connecting families to community resources and coordinating care, and crisis assistance, to being a vital voice on building and district-wide teams and committees, we are the link between families, school, and the community we serve with the common goal of breaking down barriers to education and achieving success.
Welcome to another great year, Hilltoppers! My name is Mrs. Golias, and I love getting to be your school social worker. I am so excited to start my sixth year with you, and beginning this year I will be serving both district buildings. I look forward to meeting our younger Hilltoppers and more of the caring families that make #OurHomeOntheHill so great. 
Contact Me
Marianna Golias, LSW
Certified School Social Worker PK-12
Home and School Visitor PK-12
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